Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So I will blog..Again.

Ah! I was talking to a friend of mine,and we were talking about blogging again, So I've decided that I will blog again,because I am so bored lately and figured this would be a good time consumer and fun! Anyway, I'll update on whats been going on lately first.

My Hubby is in the military and we got stationed in a new state! So we moved 1 month ago and OMG that was no fun! I thought it would be,but you never realize how much time and energy it will take to do this! AND you never realize how much stuff you have until you start putting everything in a box! We decided that we would move ourselves,instead of having the Military Movers come and pack everything for us and move it for us then deliver and bring it all to our new house...Noooo we decided that it would be more beneficial to us to just move our own things because we would get paid for it. So we were packign everything up..and I had a cough...which every single day,it got worse and worse. Finally 2 days before we were set to leave,I could barely breathe. I went and got an over the counter inhaler, and TONS of different kinds of medicine to try and fix this quick so that I wasnt sick and useless for the move! Well,it still kept getting worse. I couldnt hardly breath. I was useless. My hubby had to pretty much pack everything by himself and move everything into the truck all on his own! Poor Guy! We drove all the way to another State and I was so sick.Couldnt sleep at night because all I would do is cough cough cough! Horrible. Finally a week and a half after being in our new State, I went to the doctor and was told I have Bronchitis and Pneumonia. UGH! AHHH! WHAT! I've never in my life been so sick. I've never had even the flu in my life, but now I get Bronchitis and Pneumonia? Horrible, I was given medicine and sent on my way. I also lost my voice too, YAY, Laryngitis! Lovely. So my pneumonia is pretty much gone,still got a cough, a month later,but its SO much better than it was before. I still have laryngitis, its been..3 weeks?..long time. Such perfect time to get so sick huh! LOL! But we are here now and getting settled in. For the first 2 weeks of living here we didnt have Phone,Internet or Cable. It was so horrible and so boring! Im getting ready to go back home and visit my family in about a month,so excited! its been a while since I've seen them,so that will be nice!

Im thinking that I might do some blog sales on this blog. I have SO much stuff,most that I dont even use.Some that has never been used,so who knows! I dont even know if anyone will even read this silly little blog!! I will write more later,once I think of something fun to chat about! YAY!

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